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Between $10,000 and $50,000 U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation Grants Program

Phnom Penh: The U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh and the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State have called for proposals for the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) Grants Program. The total amount of funding available will be between US$10,000 and US$500,000 per project.

The fund was established to help countries preserve their cultural heritage. For Cambodia, it is aimed at preserving major ancient archaeological sites, historic buildings and monuments, major museum collections, and forms of traditional cultural expression that have historical or cultural significance and are accessible to the public and protected by Cambodian law. The projects selected to receive funding through the AFCP Grants Program will advance U.S. diplomatic goals and demonstrate the depth of U.S. respect for the cultural heritage of Cambodia. Proposal shall advance U.S foreign policy objectives and demonstrates U.S. leadership in the preservation and protection of cultural heritage around the world.

The U.S. AFCP Grants Program supports the preservation of major ancient archaeological sites, historic buildings and monuments, major museum collections, and forms of traditional cultural expression, such as indigenous languages and crafts. Appropriate project activities may include: Anastylosis, reassembling a site from its original parts ; Conservation ,addressing damage or deterioration to an object or site; Consolidation, connecting or reconnecting elements of an object or site; Documentation ,recording in analog or digital format the condition and salient features of an object, site or tradition; Inventory, listing of objects, sites, or traditions by location, feature, age or other unifying characteristic or state; Preventive Conservation ,addressing conditions that threaten or damage a site, object, collection, or tradition; Restoration, replacing missing elements to recreate the original appearance of an object or site, usually appropriate only with fine arts, decorative arts, and historic buildings; Stabilization, reducing the physical disturbance of an object or site.

The application process for the AFCP Grants Program takes place in two rounds, concept note is round 1 and full proposal is round 2. The deadline for submitting a concept note for round 1 in English is on 30 November 2021. Proposal shall be submitted in both paper and soft copy to public affairs section (PAS), U.S. Embassy, No. 1, Street 96, Phnom Penh. Re: Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation 2022 Grants Program Round 1 or send it by email:

Only selected project abstract (s), approved by Washington, will be notified and invited to submit a full proposal for round 2 by 31 March, 2022.

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